Monday, January 21, 2008

January Self Support

What is Self Support ? Recently I heard a speaker say that service was a natural result of a higher power working in our lives, that if we had a good connection with a power greater then ourselves, we would want to help the fellowship through time and money, and we would do this without grumbling. This comment made me think about my own program and wonder if i did service work for the right movtives. And I realised I have no motives, I do service work naturally, I rarely think about doing it and yet I am always doing it. Doing service work has helped me grow, it has been fun, frustrating, and has been a great teacher. Why do I share at this personal level this month ? Because I want to know what Self Support means to you and your Districts. Send me in a paragraph or two, ask old timers, newcomers and those in between.

So the topic for January is What does Self Support meant to you ?

The second important issue is.... what is your presentation saying ? Service work is fun, it is interesting and it helps you grow spiritually, it is our 12th step, our recovery in action. Are you telling people this or giving them heck ? Remember we are here to share our experience, strength and hope, not berate people. I feel a good presentation should contain some of the following elements.

1) A definiton of Self Support
2) The Rockfeller Story
3) Our Service Structure - group, district, area, general service office , world services, grapevine

I will be contacting 2 District Chairs to present at the Area Assembly this March, please contact me if this interests you.

Remember Dr. Bob, in his last address to our fellowship said that our steps boil down to 2 things
"Love and Service" are we sharing this message.

In Love and Service.