Wednesday, January 31, 2007

February Self Support Tip - Is Your Presentation Ready ?

It is now a month into your new position as Self Support Chair, it is time to get your Self Support Presentation ready for action, (if you haven't done this already).

Once your presentation is ready ask the General Services Representative's (GSR's) if you visit their open and/or business meetings to talk about the importance and the history of AA being self supporting. You can also volunteer to set up a table at your District Service Day's, Round-ups, Birthdays and Conferences.

A self support presentation should focus on the need for money (dollars) and time
(service) and how without both of these our fellowship can not exist.

A presentation could include the history of Self Support, The Rockefeller Story, and information on how the Group, District and GSO spend the money forwarded on plus much more.

Keep your presentation brief (no more than 15 to 20 minutes), concise and practical, be ready to answer questions, remember questions are a sign of interest.

Add a little personal touch (not too much) something about how you came to be aware of the importance of being Self Supporting.

Read the comments section of Polls on our Blog, members have been kind enough to
leave behind their comments, read these comments they are importnat and may come up during or after your presentation.
Remember to be mindful of the person who simply can't afford to dig a little deeper, respect this. Our goal is to educate our membership on our history and its current financial needs.

Some of the information you need is available on this Blog, more information can be obtained from a GSC approved pamphlet- Self Support - Where Money & Spirituality Mix, The Service Manual (starting at page S1). Visit the self support page on GSO's web site at

Have information available to leave behind such as flyers for their bulletin boards, addresses for our Area Treasurer, GSO and your local Intergroup. The pamphlet Self Support - Where money and spirituality mix is free, just call GSO and order some, while you’re calling, why not order Birthday envelopes for handing out as well.

I made up little kits that contain sample presentations. and other materials. If you haven't received your kit, email me your address and I will mail it to you. If you would like an electronic version of a Self Support presentation please email me, and....if you have an electronic version or your Self Support presentation please email it to me, to share with other Districts, as one of my goals is to create interaction between District Chairs, we all help each other.

My thanks to Debra, DCM, District 14 , she kindly scanned a bunch of flyers and articles for me, I now have electronic versions of the flyers which you can print off for your Districts, if you would like any of these please email me.

Remember to use the supplied presentations as examples, create your own, approve
it with your District Table and then enjoy your next 2 years as your District's Self Support Chairperson.

Already our Blog is becoming interactive between Area & District, so I thank you for taking the time to give me feedback and comments, it will help me as your Area Chairperson to know what you need and how I can support you in your role.

Keep coming back to the Blog as I am updating it all the time, as well, I have a new Poll coming up on the weekend, the final question supplied to me from our Delegate Dot.

At any time if I can be of assistance please don't hesitate to contact me.

In Love & Service,
Area 83 Self Support Chairperson

1 comment:

TomJC said...

Great Site Sheree. I will watch it often and use the hints with my home group.
Alternate Tom
District 30